Saturday, June 14, 2008

1.What do you know about multiple intelligences? (If your answer is nothing, research it a bit so you can write a paragraph)

Howard Gardner coined educational theory. An individual may lean towards one or a combination of several of the intelligence areas. I believe another category which was later added is known as Emotional Intelligence. The others are
1. Spatial, 2. Musical, 3. Kinesthetic, 4. Verbal-Linguistic, 5. Logical, 6. Visual, 7. Interpersonal, 8. Intrapersonal, 9. Naturalistic

2. What is your personal experience with arts integration?

I've worked with social studies teachers creating a combination of historical data and related art works for technology Power Point presentations, ITI (Integrated Thematic Instruction)with other disciplines,and math instruction utilizing art such as tessellations,linear perspective drawings, and facial portraits using measurement
and related mathematical vocabulary (ie. symmetry, balance, etc).

3. What is your favorite thing involving the arts, in general or in your classroom?

Creating mixed media art pieces such as collage, assemblage, based on reading, and personal creative writing or poetry imagery.


Mr. Ellington said...

Well, I do know that too often the emphasis is on how smart students are as opposed to how they're smart. Whenever I do presentations, I do my best to make them audio as well as visual because different people relate in different ways. I've done a presentation about the N word and why I think young people shouldn't embrace it....I've also done a presentation about the history of hip-hop and the positive & negative influences it's had in popular culture. I use music to set the mood and powerful images balanced with text to keep their attention.

Miriam Robbins said...

Thanks for posting your comment on the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society blog. As of this date, I have not seen any more articles in our local newspaper about the attempts to have the building used for the Spokane Black U.S.O. added to a historic register. If I see any further articles on this subject, I will definitely link to them. You can also search our the local newspaper's website at